Thursday, March 30, 2017

March 30

I think our peers will really like the music for our film as well as the story line and cinematography. The music was made for the film by suzanne's dad. It adds feeling and emotion especially in the montage. The story is sweet and interesting. The cinematography is really good because we had access to a nice camera. The montage at the end will also be a popular part of our film because it shows the progression of their relationship and flows very smoothly because of the communication and planning between cinematographer and editor.
I would like the audience to comment on how the montage affects the film. I would also like commentary on if the first scene should be shortened. There is very little action in it but it is important to open up the movie. Should it be shorter?

Friday, March 24, 2017

March 24

What Makes Films Special?? EDITING!!

Editing is important because it is how we control the audiences thoughts and feelings. We can emphasize certain aspects of the film and make the audience focus on what we want. As the editor of our film I have realized how important it is to collaborate with the rest of the group. Planning ahead for what shots we want is of utmost  importance. Although I am titled the editor, my group mostly sticks together, so we each have our own impact on every part of the filming process. It would be nice to have speakers or something so we could all listen and edit instead of using headphones and trying to share the


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

March 21

The Rant:
My group makes fun of me for not liking scary movies but otherwise we all get along. I am guessing we will run right up to the deadline, but hopefully we will finish all of the work. We plan to finish filming this Thursday. Endi thinks my jokes are funny so that is pretty cool. For the film it would be really nice to have professional actors, we are doing a lot of stuff that requires information to be passed on by facial expressions. I wish we could do all the filming as soon as possible so we have the most time possible to edit. I wish we had the advanced version of Premiere Pro on all of our computers.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

March 16

At the moment the conversation was not super effective with the other editors. Most of us have not really started editing. This did reassure me though because all of us are pretty much in the same place. We discussed the creation of opening credits too.

In 2012 Silver Linings Playbook, edited by Jay Cassidy and Crispin Struthers, was a nominee for best editing. Editing controls what the audience sees and therefore what they feel. In a juxtaposition of two scenes in the movie where Pat and Tiffany have a conversation compared to Pat searching for his old wedding video. Bruce Handy explains, "The first half, on the street, has a slower, more measured tempo, cutting back and forth between the two actors. The second part in the attic is frenetic and jump-cutty." This shows how the editing can effect the audience, through different types of cuts. In our movie we have to express a lot without words. To show Adela's isolation and later on her happiness in making a friend we will need to alter the types of cuts.

March 16

The film is coming along!! Our opening credits are completely finished and look wonderful. We finished filming the first scene the other day. Suzanne (cinematographer) and I decided the best way to shoot was to go through the entire scene from three different angles. This benefited editing yesterday because I had a lot of options for editing and choosing the best shots. Editing of first scene is done. So far so good.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

March 9

 I like the opening credits for Napoleon Dynamite. They establish some of Napoleon's character and bring up motifs of the movie, like Napoleon's art. They also show he is a high school student. Food is used a lot in the credits. Mainly it shows the quirky mood of the entire movie. For our credits we also intend to present a motif in our film. Our title slide will show a German title "Leben mit Kunst" and then show the translation "Life with Art." This translation in the title will show the audience it is a bilingual movie and deals with translating and communication. I like the movement and noise in the credits of Napoleon Dynamite, we will have a similar style where we type out the words in the credits and have the sound of typing throughout the credits.

Monday, March 6, 2017

March 6

I think most of the scenes will be easy to plan for and have time for, but one scene may be difficult. Under the editors role is testing shoots with different focal lengths, angles... We will most likely have to practice the scene that involves Mr. Paananen with out him actually there because he will be pressed for time. Suzanne (cinematographer) discuss the shot types to plan for future editing (story boarding helps). We will start Production process hopefully this week, definitely next week. We have all the characters planned out. Today we checked out our filming locations and talked to Art history teacher about using her posters.

Friday, March 3, 2017

March 3

Our set design conversation was very easy. We all had similar visions of the film although we brainstormed separately. We will need to contact the art history teacher and see if we could borrow some posters for our film (Jackson Pollock). My role is post-production (editing) so I had ideas surrounding dramatic effect. I would like the lighting in the art hall to be natural lighting if we can. The conversation between the two characters could be similar to Collin Firth's story in Love Actually.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March 1

Today we started making a storyboard. This will keep us organized and keep filming process speedy. We plan to film after school, and need our friend Nour who speaks German. We also need to contact Mr. Paananen to see if he can act in our film.